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Gene Editing technology

Genome editing using CRISPR technology

Genes are the basic units where the heredity information of an individual is stored and through these units heredity information are transferred from parents to off springs. After the post DNA helical structure has been discovered the world is moving towards an era of various molecular technologies and Biological inventions that could bring a huge diversity and reforms in the medical field.
One of such technology is the Gene editing technology. It is a type of Genetic engineering in which a DNA is modified, inserted or deleted from the genome of the organism. One of the most famous technique used for this is the CRISPR technology.

CRISPR stands for Clustered Regularly Inters-paced Short Palindromic Repeats. It the most power full tool used editing the DNA. Using this tool DNA is modified or a desired is removed or inserted into the genome.

Let us see on the benefits of the use CRISPR technology for living organisms
Diseases prevention
By using CRISPR technology scientists could develop different techniques for treatment of diseases like Cancer, leukemia, Sickle cell disease, HIV, Blindness, Cystic fibrosis, and various heredity diseases. A recent report says that first clinical trial humans are being treated with this technique to treat Cancer and blood Thalassemia.

Improved Food productivity
Genetic engineering can be used to improve the quality and productions of food. Crops and plants DNA can be altered to produce nutrient rich food. And also to design plants which may stand any conditions and prevent plants from pests.

While Gene editing has too many benefits, they also have many diverse aspects which are discussed below.

Designer Babies
As Genes can be altered in the early human embryos to change the characteristics such as eye color that has no effect on health .this would lead to  designer babies and not only that, this also effect the off-springs of such an individuals. 

As Gene editing can improve health issues but it may also lead in developing more virulent microbial diseases which may be much more dangerous and have more resistance toward antibiotics or medicines.

Before CRISPR technology was introduced there were 2 techniques which were being used. One was based on zinc finger nucleases and the other was the transcription activator like effector nucleases (TALENs) .These techniques would be discussed on another blog.

It can be concluded that as there are various benefits of using Genome editing it can also have adverse effects. Various countries have already put forward different laws regarding the use of Gene editing to prevent its harm-full aspects on human society. But Gene editing has been a huge gift for Human kind.

Ammad ali

Author & Editor

Hello World! I am Naveed Khan, I always had passion for new tech ventures.

